Labelexpo shows are legendary events run across various continents around the globe, and Alpha-Cure makes sure we are in attendance whenever we can. This year saw the return of the in-person Labelexpo Americas show in Chicago, USA.
The show ran from 13th – 15th September in the Donald E. Stephens Convention Centre, Chicago and our International Sales Manager Ross Hayward flew over to be there.
On his return, we caught up with Ross to get his feedback on the show and find out what he got up to.
Q. You recently headed out to Chicago for LabelExpo Americas 2022. How many times have you been to the event now?
I’ve visited the event each time it has been held since my first show in 2008, so this was my seventh visit to Labelexpo Americas. It must be doing something right!
Q. How have you seen the show develop? Any major changes in focus?
The show has grown massively and has clearly begun to move away from just conventional printing processes to a more digital print world.
Q. What did you find that was new or interesting this year?
Interestingly, there were more packaging and raw material suppliers present at the show this time than I had previously seen.
Q. Was there something(s) you learnt from your visit that will inform conversations with your customers and OEMs?
I met, and had some interesting chats with a few print machine resellers who are based in both the US and UK. Whilst they don’t directly use UV lamps themselves, they do receive enquiries from their customers and would be willing to work us on those requests. So that was a great new set of connections to make.
Q. Did you take the opportunity to combine the show visit with other work meetings?
I did get the chance to meet with some new potential customers based in the Chicago region and had some interesting conversations with them. We are presently building the relationships and are looking to progress what we can do with them in the next few months. I was also able to meet up with some existing customers and renew some old relationships, which have been disrupted over the last few years due to COVID-19. It’s always best to see people in person and catch up on both business and personal situations.
Q. Would you recommend going to Labelexpo Americas again?
Well, after seven visits so far I’m a fan! So I would recommend visiting the show again. It’s never a waste in keeping up with the latest developments, meeting with potential customers and continuing to strengthen the relationships with existing customers.
Q Did you find time to do other things whilst you were in the windy city?
I had a little time for some retail therapy and also enjoyed having the chance to watch the Chicago Bears vs San Francisco 49ers at the historic Soldier Field Stadium. During my previous trips there had not been an opportunity to attend a game, but I thoroughly enjoyed the experience even with four hours of torrential rain throughout the entire game.
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